Virtual Reality Paramedic Simulator

We designed and produced a unique and immersive virtual reality (VR) paramedic simulator for Queen Margaret University Edinburgh to aid in the training of future paramedics.

The simulator allows training paramedics to prepare for real-life situations, including life-or-death scenarios, and strengthen their decision-making skills. It transports students into real-life examples of situations they may encounter in the field. One such example featured in the simulator is a young woman experiencing labor complications in the bedroom of her flat. Students can interact with patients by asking questions, using equipment, and processing information in a safe space where they can make mistakes and learn to navigate complex situations.

We have created the first VR program that focuses on real-time decision-making in relation to maternity complications, rather than just skills development. This new technology will bring exciting advancements to the future of medical training. The program was recently featured in both The Scotsman and Queen Margaret University’s website.

For further information and reading, the articles can be found below.


Team visit to Move Summit